Wednesday, 16 March 2011

YTSO - March 16th, 2011, Day 4 in Sydney, Australia

Business as usual, haha.  Got up, ate, and headed over to the opera house for rehearsal in the morning.  MTT was happy with our progress, which was very good to hear!  After rehearsal, a few friends and I went to do an interview with the YTSO people for the channel.  If you haven't already, you should check out the daily highlights on, they will give you a better idea of what we've been up to! 

After full orchestra rehearsal was lunch, then a string ensemble rehearsal for the String concert Friday night.  I only play in two pieces since most of the pieces are for small string orchestra, the Ascending Bird arranged by Colin Jacobsen (it's a Persian folk song, a very cool piece!) and the 4th movement of Tchaikovsky's Serenade for Strings.  In between the pieces, when other ones were being rehearsed, I went outside and walked around the Opera House while talking to Mom on the phone.  It was HOT outside, but very windy. 

The weather in Sydney seems to be a bit temperamental.  It will be beautiful and sunny in the morning, then cloudy and windy in the afternoon, and by the evening it was pouring rain.  I went to the Sydney Symphony concert at the SOH in the evening, and at intermission it was raining really hard!  Luckily, it wasn't too bad afterwards so when I walked back I wasn't soaked. 

The symphony concert started at 6:30, which is much earlier than concerts in Canada start.  They played a Mozart symphony, Stravinsky's Ode, Tchaikovsky's Little Russian symphony, as well as a commissioned bassoon concerto.  It was a great concert, and the concert hall was PACKED with people, even in the choir seats around the stage.  It's such a beautiful venue with amazing sound, and I can't wait to play a concert there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

After the concert, I went back to the hotel as fast as I could so I could make it in time for supper.  I did make it in time, and there were still a few people there to hang out with.  We did some youtubing after supper and watched the daily highlights, as well as a few of our favorite videos.  This was one we watched:

I could not stop laughing.  So great. 

Also, as I walked back from the concert, I noticed the lovely projections on the opera house sails.  Here's a picture:

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